2019-01-23 13:26:03 来源:冷聚变世界 评论:0 点击:
罗西的里昂纳多公司为即将到来的2019年1月31日 E-CAT SK网上直播准备了一篇新闻发布稿,名字为:里昂纳多公司将向世界直播介绍其革命性的新E-CAT SK 热能技术。该新闻发布发布在商业新闻网站:PRweb。
PRweb 迈阿密 2019年1月21日 里昂纳多公司很高兴宣布:2019年1月31日将会通过网络直播方式向世界介绍一项革命性的清洁能源技术,E-CAT SK反应器,E-CAT 的运行方式遵循基本物理定律,它能产生远超过化石燃料能量密度的热量。E-CAT 不使用任何放射性燃料,也不产生放射性废料。在6个月的运行期间,E-CAT SK仅仅使用几克廉价丰富的燃料(氢,镍,锂)即可连续产生千瓦级能量。E-CAT产生热量的反应不牵涉到任何的化学燃烧, 因此不产生温室效应气体。
E-CAT 的发明人,安德列.罗西说:“我很高兴我们已经能够做到向世界介绍一款工业产品。我的目标不仅仅是向大家展示一项重要的实验室发现,我还要把他变成一个有用的产品来造福全人类。E-CAT 技术通过降低热能成本来使客户获得商业盈利,同时它也会降低环境的影响”。罗西博士已经为E-CAT技术在以下国家:美国,欧洲,中国,俄罗斯,日本,墨西哥,巴西,智利,澳大利亚,南非申请了专利。其他国家也正在申请中。
E-CAT SK 的设计应用于有热能要求的工业环境,其应用包括简单的空间加热,以及产生电能的高温要求。
网络直播将于美国东部时间1月31日9点开始,网址为:http://www.ecatskdemo.com. 现场参与者将能够向罗西博士提出问题,罗西博士会在展示期间给予实时答复。网站会通过评论提交告知如何提交问题,直播将会被录像以供以后观看。
Leonardo Corporation is pleased to announce that it will be presenting the worldwide introduction of its E-Cat SK product, a revolutionary cost-efficient clean energy technology, in a live streaming broadcast on January 31, 2019.
The E-Cat operates on the basis of physical principles which allow for energy production at power densities far higher than with fossil fuels. No radioactive fuels are used, and no radioactive waste is produced. The E-Cat SK produces kilowatts of energy while consuming only grams of inexpensive and abundant fuel (hydrogen, nickel, lithium) over a period of six months. E-Cat reactions do not involve any chemical combustion, so no greenhouse gas emissions are produced.
The E-Cat's inventor, Andrea Rossi states, "I am delighted to have arrived at the point where I can introduce an industrial product to the world. My goal has always been not only to demonstrate an important discovery in a laboratory, but also to implement it into useful products that can have important benefits for mankind. E-Cat technology will allow businesses to become more profitable through the reduction of their thermal energy costs, and at the same time they will be reducing negative environmental impacts." Dr. Rossi has patented the E-Cat in the United States (US patent no. US 9,115,913 B1) and the patent has also been granted in all of Europe, China, Russia, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Australia, South Africa, and is pending in other countries.
The E-Cat SK is a product designed to be used in industrial settings where heat is required, ranging from simple space heating to applications where high temperatures are needed, including electricity generation.
Leonardo's business model is based on delivering heat as a service. Leonardo retains ownership of the E-Cats and will install and remotely operate them. Customers pay for heat delivered at costs that will always be significantly lower (at least 20 percent lower) than the cost of any other energy source the customer may use.
The live broadcast will begin on January 31st at 9:00 a.m. US Eastern time at http://www.ecatskdemo.com. Live participants will be able to submit questions to Dr. Rossi who will answer them live during the presentation. Instructions on how to submit questions will be provided at the website above at the commencement of the presentation. The event will be recorded and be made available for later viewing.
Companies interested in discussing possible incorporation of E-Cat technology in their industrial operations are invited to contact Leonardo Corporation at info@leonardocorp1996.com
冷聚变世界点评: 作为一名罗西忠实的追随者,笔者给予冷聚变反应器E-CAT莫大的期待,这种期待有时会左右笔者的思绪。对于本次网上直播,笔者只想说让我们拭目以待。还是那句话:真的不会是假的,假的不会是真的。
冷聚变世界点评: 作为一名罗西忠实的追随者,笔者给予冷聚变反应器E-CAT莫大的期待,这种期待有时会左右笔者的思绪。对于本次网上直播,笔者只想说让我们拭目以待。还是那句话:真的不会是假的,假的不会是真的。
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