E-CAT X 单个模块1千瓦左右
2015-12-13 21:07:32 来源:冷聚变世界 评论:0 点击:
Joseph Fine
December 12th, 2015 at 1:28 PM
Dear Andrea,
What is the (thermal) power rating for the E-Cat X?I think it was in the 10-25 kW range, but I don’t recall.If multiple E-Cat X’s were assembled into a 1 MW version, would the E-Cat X volume be the samesize as the current 1 MW volume? Or rather, if the E-Cat X were optimized, would the volume bethe same as the current 1 MW plant.
E-CAT X 热功率是多呢? 我想它可能是10~25千瓦,我不记得了。如果多个E-CAT X 组成1兆瓦反应器,那么它的体积和目前的一兆瓦反应器的体积一样大吗?或者说,E-CAT X经过优化才能和目前的一号瓦反应器的体积一样大吗?
Best regards,
Joseph Fine
Andrea Rossi
December 12th, 2015 at 2:34 PM
Dr Joseph Fine:
the modules will be of 1 kW. The density of power should be doubled at the least.
E-CAT X单个模块功率为一千瓦,功率密度至少是一兆瓦反应器的一倍。
Warm Regards,
上面的是Joseph Fine博士和罗西的对话,下面是E-CAT WORLD主编 FRANK继续对罗西的提问:
Frank Acland
December 12th, 2015 at 4:12 PM
Dear Andrea,
Did you say at one time that the output power of the E-Cat X unit under test was 3.5 kW — isthat because it is made up of 3 separate units each around 1 kW?
你有一次说过目前正在测试的E-CAT X 反应器的输出功率为3.5千瓦,是不是可以说他是由三个一千瓦的单个反应器模块组成的?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Andrea Rossi
December 12th, 2015 at 4:54 PM
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards
冷聚变世界点评:由以上对话信息我们可以得出E-CAT X 单个模块输出功率为1千瓦,功率密度是正在测试1兆瓦E-CAT 反应器功率的一倍。1兆瓦反应器的体积为4立方米(参看前面冷聚变世界报道),如果采用E-CAT X 构成那么就是2立方米。汽车采用E-CAT X 和蓄电池组组成动力组合,采用20千瓦热功率,体积为大约为:0.1立方米,这个和普通轿车的发动机的体积差不多,因此E-CAT X 完全可以用作汽车动力。
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