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2014-04-03 14:58:57   来源:冷聚变世界编译   评论:0 点击:

2013年7月份,E-CAT展开了为期半年的独立性耐久性测试,预计今年三月份会出结果,现在三月已经过完了,测试结果也快该出来了,很多冷聚变爱好者都在翘首以待。也有些人通过各种途径询问安德烈 罗西测试的事情,下面是罗西在4月1日的答复。
      国外的冷聚变网站Journal of Nuclear Physics上,名字为:Giuliano Bettini的网友向安德烈罗西提出关于冷聚变装置E-CAT的测试结果问题,罗西给予了答复,让我们来看看:

Dear Andrea,
you wrote for the nth time on March 31st, 2014 at 1:52 PM:
(…) Now it is very important to see the results of the third indipendent party long run test. (…) I have still to say that the results can be positive or negative (…).
That’s very interesting but, since you’re an Italian, it is obviously not credible that at this point you don’t know anything about the “positive or negative”.
I mean, you know nothing of what professors will write, but obviously you know very well how things went.
Your personal feeling, about which you obviously can not speak, what is it? 
Indiscreet regards,
Giuliano Bettini.



Giuliano Bettini.


Giuliano Bettini:
Believe it or not, I have no idea of the measurements made by the Professors, their methodology and their calculations, therefore at the moment I do not know if their results will be positive or negative. They are on the piece, our electronic engineer can only give assistance in case of malfunctions ( no one happened so far), I am distant from the Hot Cat; besides, I have to make my normal work in other places most of the time, so I do not know the numbers obtained in most of the test; I have no access to the registrations too, that the Professors take 24 hours per day regarding the temperatures and the consume of energy. Sincerely, I do not know if the results will be positive or negative. Obviously, to be totally sincere, I have my impression about how things are going, but I signed an NDA that forbids to all of us to give any bit of information to the public before the report is published.
Warm Regards,

Giuliano Bettini:

不管你相信不相信,我确实不知道教授们用什么检测方法,以及他们计算方法。此时此刻,我并不知道他们的结果是是否是肯定还是否定。他们在一起,我们的电子工程师只能在故障的时候给予一定的支持 (目前还没有发发生过)。我离H-CAT也比较远,此外,我在其他地方还有很多的日常工作要做,我也不知道他们大多数测试得出的数据。我没有权利进入他们的地方,教授们每天24小时监视着温度和能量消耗的变化,我确实不知道结果会是肯定还是否定。真诚的说,我对测试结果有自己的感觉,但我签署了保密协定,保密协定禁止所有涉及人员向公众在报告发布前透漏任何信息。





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