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2019-01-09 09:49:52   来源:冷聚变世界   评论:0 点击:

本月31日,罗西将会通过互联网来开一个产品发布会,本次发布会将会展示一台工业性的E-CAT QX样机和一部事先录制好的E-CAT SK视频。

  本月31日, 罗西将会通过互联网来开一个产品发布会,他会展示一台工业型E-CAT QX样机和发布一个事先录制好的E-CAT SK视频。

  关于E-CAT SK反应器中产生的等离子体现象, 罗西在回答E-CATWORLD网站主编FRANKALAND进行了简单介绍:

Andrea Rossi
January 6, 2019 at 9:04 PM
Frank Acland:
As you know, we will talk of this issue diffusely and we will see very interesting things during the presentation.
This will be probably one of the more fascinating things we will see, so let’s wait for the presentation of the Ecat SK. We will see the Ecat SK in a show room and we will see a video that has been already made, as you know, in a factory heated by the Ecat SK, where we have placed a camera in a strategic position to look at the plasma. We placed seven cameras in seven crucial points and, honestly, I think it will be worth the while to watch the 2 hours of the direct streaming.
Thank you for the continue attention and respect that your team has always dedicated to the work of our team.
Warm Regards,
  你知道,我们将广泛的讨论这个问题(关于等离子的问题),我们将会在展示中看到一些有趣的事情。这可能是我们看到的最为激动人心的事,让我们等待E-CAT SK的展示。我们会看到位于展示房间内的E-CAT SK, 它会出现在我们事先录制好视频内,你知道,E-CAT SK被安放在一个工厂内,我们在关键的位置安放了摄像机来观看里面的等离子体。我们在关键放置了七台摄像机,我想2个小时的视频是值得我们去观看的。非常感谢你的关注,也感谢你们总是报道我们的工作。

  关于E-CAT SK的视频,罗西单独开通了一个网站用于视频播放,网站的地址为:www.ecatskdemo.com


相关热词搜索:罗西,冷聚变,E-CAT SK, LENR

上一篇:罗西将在2019年初展示工业 E-CAT 原型机

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