里昂纳多公司E-CAT X年产量预计达100万台
2016-02-21 13:20:54 来源:冷聚变世界 评论:0 点击:
最近一段时间,罗西显示出对E-CAT X越来越强的信心 他公开表示E-CAT X的研发已经取得了非常大的进展,他和他的里昂纳多公司将会在今年制造首E-CAT X的工业化应用装置。
在对网友的回复中,罗西表示,里昂纳多公司(Leonardo Corporation)规模化制造E-CAT X的新工厂位于美国佛罗里达州。E-CAT X的研发,虽然也可能失败,但是他们最近已经取得了巨大的进展。从技术角度上讲,他们已经很接近具备年生产100万台E-CAT X的水平。从E-CAT X开始进行测试时,他们就开始为工业化生产做准备,他们不用三个月就可以完成整个生产线的装配。目前所有的事情都在整齐有序的规划着,项目目前进展很快,他会全身心的投入到这个项目中。
Andrea Rossi
February 20, 2016 at 12:53 PM
Pietro F.:
Yes, the new factory of Leonardo Corporation in which the E-Cat X will be manufactured is in Florida. I must repeat F9, but I can add that in these very days we are making exponential progress. We are very close to be ready to make 1 million pcs/year, technologically speaking.
From the moment I will decide that we are ready to start to the moment in which we will start the production line, it will take not more than 3 months. All is already organized. Now that I can give to this concern my full time, we are advancing very fast.
From the moment I will decide that we are ready to start to the moment in which we will start the production line, it will take not more than 3 months. All is already organized. Now that I can give to this concern my full time, we are advancing very fast.
Warm Regards,
冷聚变世界点评:从罗西不断透漏的信息看,E-CAT X应该是一款革命性的产品,他可以做的很小,比如几百瓦的功率,也可以通过集成做的很庞大,比如一个规模巨大的电厂。这就给这款产品带来了巨大应用空间,其市场空间也会非常巨大。不考虑家用,仅仅工业发电领域(用来替换热电厂的燃煤锅炉)就会非常大,笔者希望这款产品能够走的更远,走入到寻常百姓家。
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