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E-CAT第三方独立测试结果 COP:3.6
2014-10-09 09:43:03   来源:冷聚变世界   评论:0 点击:

E-CAT的第三方长久测试结果出来了,COP为:3 6,不是很高,但是也值得欣慰,毕竟这只是刚刚开始,万里长征的第一步。 祝贺罗西博士,一个伟大的人!






Dr. Rossi:
Congratulations: the report was issued at around the time you forecast, and it ought to raise considerable interest, although I suppose that many prominent scientists will pretend it does not exist.

A C.O.P  -  which I prefer to call energy gain factor to distinguish it from heat pumps where the C.O.P. has a very different meaning -  of around 3.6 is of course not ideal in practical terms, because in many countries natural gas heating  costs around 30% of the cost of electrical heating. There are clearly at least two ways around this, apart from trying to heat the e-cat with natural gas. Firstly it is clear that operating at a higher temperature can increase the energy gain factor. Secondly some sort of cascading system, whereby one e-cat heats another one, could give a factor over 10. Would a triple cascade be possible, for really stunning results?  You have already written about the cat-and-mouse system, without explaining how it functions, so we are all awaiting news on that topic, which you may be able to release in the coming months.


       借用一首诗的两句话:千呼万唤始出来 犹抱琵琶半遮面,E-CAT终于蹒蹒珊珊的开始走步了,期待有一天他能产生万马奔腾的场面。


相关热词搜索:冷聚变,E-CAT,COP:3 6

上一篇:1MW E-CAT反应堆是安德烈罗西目前主要的工作

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