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2015-11-30 11:00:24   来源:冷聚变世界   评论:0 点击:

在今天的journal-of-nuclear-physics网站上,罗西透漏E-CAT启动 停止时间为2小时。

  下面是罗西在journal-of-nuclear-physics回答前诺贝尔奖获得者Joseph Fine博士的问题:

  Joseph Fine博士提问:

Joseph Fine
November 29th, 2015 at 5:23 PM
Dear Andrea Rossi,

The E-Cats of a few years ago required two hours to start up or shut down.How long does it take, now, to start up or shut down the 1-MW E-Cat or the E-Cat X?Since a test is currently in progress, you may not know how long it takes to do a shut-down, because it may not have been done for this system design.

If there is a shut-down interval of more than a few minutes or seconds, is this time needed for the decay of short lived radiation products?

I apologize if I have asked this question before.

Best regards,

Joseph Fine

  翻译:几年前,E-CAT需要两小时来启动或者停止。现在,一兆瓦的E-CAT和E-CAT X需要多长时间来启动或者停止呢?一兆瓦E-CAT正在测试,所有的测试工作还没有结束你可能不知道需要多长时间来停止?如果存在几分钟或者几秒钟间隔的的关机是不是为了短寿命放射性物质的的衰变?




Andrea Rossi
November 29th, 2015 at 5:57 PM
Dr Joseph Fine:
For the 1MW plant it’s still 2 hours.
For the E-Cat X it is premature to give these data.
The cause of the start/stop timing is more complex.
Warm Regards

  翻译:对于一兆瓦的E-CAT反应堆来说,目前仍然需要两个消息。对于E-CAT X来说,现在翻译:给出这些数据还为时过早。导致启动和停止间隔的原因很复杂。

  冷聚变世界点评:快速的启动和停止对于E-CAT的应用范围也非常重要,启动慢将限制E-CAT未来的应用,如果E-CAT X 能够在几十秒或者几分钟内实现完全启动,那么他的应用领域将会大大增加。




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