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罗西采用非市售材料制备E-CAT X
2015-08-21 08:04:11   来源:journal-of-nuclear-physics   评论:0 点击:

自从罗西公开其新型E-CAT X高温反应器后,冷聚变世界一直对其保持密切关注。就该反应器本身所具有的特性而言,他比其他E-CAT反应器具有更广泛的应用领域。


    就像我以前所说的,基于这是我们第一次在工业领域应用冷核聚变技术,对反应器不时的进行维修很正常的(一兆瓦反应堆的问题)。我们会在下个星期末重新开始测试新E-CAT X 反应器,要解决以前出现的问题,我们要生产一种市面上没有出售的新材料。


    在研发结束后,我们会公开E-CAT X 所具有的技术参数,关于该方面我现在只能说他更适于家庭用途。

Gerard McEk:
As I said, to repair the reactors and other parts of the plant now and again is the normality here, due to the fact that this is the first industrial real application of LENR in the History of technology.We will start up the new E-Cat X probably at the end of the next week, because we have to produce a new material that does not exist in commerce to resolve the problem that popped out.
This attitude to make materials that do not exist is a legacy of a visit I made in the NASA concern od Huntsville, Alabama, during a meeting with their scientists: I saw their laboratory where they told me they make things that do not exist in commerce, because they have particular problems that cannot be resolved with the existing materials. I thought ” This is exactly the kind of lab I need”.

The technological characteristics of the E-Cat X will be published when the R&D on it will have been completed, and at that point will also be explained why it is more fit for household applications.

Thank you for your kind words,

Warm Regards,

    下面是E-CATWORLD网站编辑Frank Acland就新材料问题对罗西的提问和罗西的回复:

    Frank Acland 提问:要将E-CAT X投入生产需要你们大量生产该种材料,大规模制造对于你们来说是不是一种挑战呢?

Frank Acland
August 20th, 2015 at 9:17 AM
Dear Andrea,
It sounds like putting the E-Cat X into production will also require the manufacturing of this new material in significant amounts, if you are planning for large scale manufacturing. Do you see this as a big challenge?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Andrea Rossi
August 20th, 2015 at 9:56 AM
Frank Acland:
No, because when we make a new material we think also how to industrialize it and how much it costs in view of mass production.
Warm Regards,



相关热词搜索:罗西 材料 用非市

上一篇:E-CAT X 新型高温反应器进展

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