载氢金属辉光放电实验报告 张航最新进展
2018-02-05 12:19:58 来源:冷聚变世界 评论:0 点击:
According to the experiment of Professor Mizuno Tadahiko of Hydrogen Engineering Application & Development Company, we carried out the experiment of hydrogen carrying metal glow discharge and observed some phenomena. The results are summarized as follows.
The overall experimental system is as follows

The overall experimental system is as follows

Experimental system diagram

Deuterium gas generator and heavy water

真空泵 加热直流电源 功率表
Vacuum pump Heating DC power supply Power meter

反应容器 照片
Reaction vessel Photo

Reaction vessel profile
容器用不锈钢制作,内衬镍皮,容器右侧的套管是测温套管,测温套管包裹镍皮,内插一根热电偶,热电偶瓷管绝缘,容器左侧插入一根瓷管,瓷管内插入镍电极,镍电极由直径0.5镍丝制作,放电部位做成螺线管形状。见下图,容器内装入2克镍粉和0.2克氢化铝锂Reaction vessel profile
A container was made of stainless steel with nickel leather lining. The right side of the container casing was the temperature measuring sleeve, nickel skin, tube insulation container with a thermocoulple in it. The left side of the container was a porcelain tube with a nickel electrode in diameter of 0.5 mm, the discharge part was in solenoid shape. The container was loaded with 2 grams of nickel powder and 0.2 grams of aluminum lithium hydride.

Nickel electrode
In these experiments, the forward discharge and reverse discharge ere carried out. The electrode is positive when the forward discharge is positive, and the electrode is negative in reverse discharge.

Reaction unit profile
Reaction unit profile
The container was put into a furnace Its heater was insulated by the thermal insulation cotton with outside porcelain tube as guard shell. The temperature measuring point of the furnace is inserted into a thermocouple, and another thermocouple is used in the inner side of the shell.

Glow discharge power supply and The current limiting resistor
Glow discharge power supply and The current limiting resistor
The power supply is DC stabilized power, voltage control can also be steady flow control, the output voltage is 0-1000 V, the output current is 0-100 mA
Two resistance (5 k-ohms, 100 watts) were parallel to a total resistance of 2.5 k-ohm, it was used in discharge circuit for series connection.

Glow discharge circuit
The discharge circuit is shown in the diagram; the voltage sensor and the current sensor are installed in the controller.

Forward and reverse switch and Glow discharge controller
Forward and reverse switch and Glow discharge controller
In experiments, the positive position of switch corresponded the negative electrode of the container and the positive polarity of inner electrode in the container. The polarity could be reversed when the fuel is pretreated.

The Human Machine Interaction of the glow discharge controller(LEFT)
The controller had a voltage sensor and a current sensor with a controller of SIEMENS S7-200 PLC. The output power was calculated and the voltage was controlled. Power supply of glow discharge was controlled to be constant. The output discharge voltage, discharge power signal were in-situ recorded. The discharge current and discharge resistance were calculated by these two parameters.

The amount of heat exchanger
The amount of heat exchanger
The calorimeter is a ventilated calorimeter. The reaction device is placed inside the insulation shell, the air is sent into the air inside the calorimeter, the air input volume is constant, the temperature difference between the air supply and the exhaust is measured, and the thermal power is calculated.

Online recorder
Online recorder
在线记录仪 通道介绍,
Online recorder channel introduction:
1外壳热电偶 Shell thermocouple
2排风温度 Exhaust air temperature
3容器温度 Container temperature
4辉光电压 glow voltage(V)
5辉光功率 Glow power(W)
6备用通道 Standby channel
7容器压力 Vessel pressure(kpa)
8加热功率 heating power(W)
9送风温度 air supply temperature (℃)
10备用通道 Standby channel
11备用通道 Standby channel
12放电正反向标识 Positive and reverse marking of discharge
Blank experiment
The blank experiment was used to calibrate the corresponding relationship between the thermal power and the exhaust air temperature difference.
Assemble the experimental device.
Put in a blank container
The heater was power on and input power was 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 watts, respectivley.
Each power was maintained at a constant level for more than 8 hours
Steady parameters were recorded
The calculation of the relationship between the air temperature difference and the input power
Derivation of empirical formula

Blank experiment recorder display screen
Blank test statistics table(below)
Blank test statistics table(below)
容器外壳 温度 Container shell temp(℃) |
排风 温度 Exhaust air temp(℃) |
容器 温度 Container temp (℃) |
加热 功率 heating power (W) |
送风 温度 air supply temp (℃) |
进排风温差 Inlet and exhaust air temp difference |
计算功率 Calcul -ated power (W) |
偏离 devia- tion |
20.4 | 20.3 | 20.2 | 0 | 20.3 | 0 | -0.34 | -0.34 |
40.3 | 24.6 | 137.8 | 20 | 19.9 | 4.7 | 20.78 | 0.78 |
60.5 | 29.3 | 229 | 40.5 | 19.9 | 9.4 | 41.48 | 0.98 |
79.8 | 33.9 | 298.8 | 60.9 | 20 | 13.9 | 60.90 | 0.01 |
98.2 | 38.6 | 357.5 | 80.8 | 20.2 | 18.4 | 79.94 | -0.85 |
116.9 | 43.6 | 409.3 | 101.2 | 20.3 | 23.3 | 100.23 | -0.97 |
133.9 | 48.3 | 452.7 | 120.2 | 20.3 | 28 | 119.25 | -0.94 |
150.7 | 53.2 | 493.2 | 139.7 | 20.1 | 33.1 | 139.41 | -0.28 |
166.9 | 58.1 | 529.9 | 159.4 | 19.7 | 38.4 | 159.84 | 0.43 |
上表中计算功率为经验公式 ,w= x*4.54-x*x*0.0096-0.343,w—计算功率,x—进排风温差
The calculation power in the above table is an empirical formula, w= x*4.54-x*x*0.0096-0.343, W - calculating power, X - inlet and exhaust temperature difference
测量精度不高,误差±1 W
The accuracy of measurement is not so high and the error is ±1 W
The calculation power in the above table is an empirical formula, w= x*4.54-x*x*0.0096-0.343, W - calculating power, X - inlet and exhaust temperature difference
测量精度不高,误差±1 W
The accuracy of measurement is not so high and the error is ±1 W
Experimental Process
1、 容器内放入2克镍粉,0.2克氢化铝锂,常温下抽真空,加热至200度,维持24小时后排出氢气,抽真空
1, 2 grams of nickel powder and 0.2 grams of aluminum lithium hydride were put in the container. The vessel was extracted at normal temperature, then heated to 200 degrees for 24 hours, then evacuated again to extract hydrogen.
2、 正式实验从2018年1月11日10.26开始,2018年1月23日19.00结束,容器内充入氘气,进行辉光放电和加热,观察不同状态下数据变化
2, The experiment was started from 10:26 January 11, 2018, and ended in 19:00 January 23, 2018. The deuterium gas was filled into the container, and glow discharge and heating were carried out to observe the data changes under different conditions.
3、 量热计测量的发热功率减去输入功率为超热,因为量热计热惰性较大,改变工况后6小时达到平衡状态,只能在平衡状态下观察超热,非平衡状态下不能观察是否产生超热。
3, The thermal power measured by the calorimeter was less than the input power. Because the thermal inertia of the calorimeter was large, and the equilibrium state was reached 6 hours after changing the working condition. The excess heat was observed only in the equilibrium state. We cannot observe whether the excess heat occurs in the non-equilibrium state.
Observed phenomena
1、 异常温升
1. Abnormal temperature rise

The yellow line in the upper part of the graph was glow discharge voltage, and the blue line in the middle was the temperature of the container. The lower light blue line in the lower part was glow discharge power.
A temperature rise of 100 degrees from 258 degrees to 377 degrees was observed after 15:30 January 13, 2018, in the glow discharge power under the condition of constant temperature container. However, no excess heat was shown in the calorimetric measurement.
2, the excess heat under the condition of heating
2018年1月12日23.00-2018年1月13日10.00,在118瓦恒定功率加热时出现超热,平均超热2.07瓦,如果减去误差1瓦,平均超热功率1.07瓦[l1] ,cop=1.01,产生热量42 kJ。
In 23:00 January 12, 2018 to10:00 January 13, 2018. when 118 watts of constant power was applied, it appeared excess heat, and the average excess power was 2.07 watts. If the error is 1 watts, the average super heat power is 1.07 watts, cop=1.01 will generate heat 42KJ.

In 3:00 to 7:00 January 14, 2018, when 137 watts constant power heating was applied, average excess power of 1.8 watts was observed. if the error is 1 watts, the average super heat power is 0.8 watts, cop=1.005, generate heat 11KJ[l1] .

3, the excess heat of the glow discharge
2018年1月20日14.00- 18.00,在30瓦恒定功率辉光放电时出现超热,平均超热1.6瓦,如果减去误差1瓦,平均超热功率0.6瓦,cop=1.02,产生热量8.6KJ。
In 14:00 to 18:00 January 20, 2018, when 30 watts constant power of glow discharge was applied, average excess powerof 1.6 watts was observed. if the error was 1 watts, the average super heat power 0.6 watts, cop=1.02, generate heat 8.6KJ.

2018年1月21日14.00- 17.00,在30瓦恒定功率辉光放电时出现超热,平均超热1.4瓦,如果减去误差1瓦,平均超热功率0.4瓦,cop=1.013,产生热量4.3KJ。
In 14:00 to 17:00 January 21, 2018, when 30 watts constant power of glow discharge was applied, average excess power of 1.4 watts was observed. if the error was 1 watts, the average super heat power 0.4 watts, cop=1.013, generate heat 4.3KJ.

The above four excess powers accruals produce heat 65 K
1、 容器温度异常升高现象,因为没有测到多余热量,分析为容器内部辉光放电位置漂移所致。
1. The abnormal increase of temperature of the container is caused by the measurement of not excess heat ,However, no excess heat was shown in the calorimetric measurement, which is caused by the shift of the position of the glow discharge in the container.
2、 观察到的超热量较小,与误差相比最大为2倍,未观测到大的超热现象。
2, the observed excess heat is small, and the maximum of the error is 2 times compared to the measured value, and the large anomalous heat is not observed.
3、 下一步实验拟改进量热计设计,减少误差,提高测量精度。
3. The next step is to improve the calorimeter design, reduce the error and improve the measurement accuracy.
1、PREPRINT Mizuno, T. Method of controlling a chemically-induced nuclear reaction in metal nanoparticles. in ICCF18 Conference. 2013. University of Missouri.
2、Preprint J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 25 (2017),Observation of excess heat by activated metal and deuterium gas
Acknowledgements: This work was helped by Dr. Zhang Wushou at Institute of Chemistry , Chinese Academy of Sciences and Mr. Huang Chongen of Xiamen University,and Dr. Bob Higgins of MFMP.
Appendix, experimental data sheet
1、 容器温度异常升高现象,因为没有测到多余热量,分析为容器内部辉光放电位置漂移所致。
1. The abnormal increase of temperature of the container is caused by the measurement of not excess heat ,However, no excess heat was shown in the calorimetric measurement, which is caused by the shift of the position of the glow discharge in the container.
2、 观察到的超热量较小,与误差相比最大为2倍,未观测到大的超热现象。
2, the observed excess heat is small, and the maximum of the error is 2 times compared to the measured value, and the large anomalous heat is not observed.
3、 下一步实验拟改进量热计设计,减少误差,提高测量精度。
3. The next step is to improve the calorimeter design, reduce the error and improve the measurement accuracy.
1、PREPRINT Mizuno, T. Method of controlling a chemically-induced nuclear reaction in metal nanoparticles. in ICCF18 Conference. 2013. University of Missouri.
2、Preprint J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 25 (2017),Observation of excess heat by activated metal and deuterium gas
Acknowledgements: This work was helped by Dr. Zhang Wushou at Institute of Chemistry , Chinese Academy of Sciences and Mr. Huang Chongen of Xiamen University,and Dr. Bob Higgins of MFMP.
Appendix, experimental data sheet

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