2014-04-04 09:10:09 来源:冷聚变世界 评论:0 点击:
4/3/14 BlackLight has developed a system engineering design of a stationary electric generator using photovoltaic conversion of optical power that is less that a cubic foot in volume to generate ten million watts of electricity, enough to power ten thousand homes. [10 MW Generator]
4月3日 黑光能源公司开发了一套使用光能量光伏转化技术设计的固定式发电机,这台发电机只有不到一立方英尺大小,可以产生1000万瓦的电能,足够给1万家庭提供电力。(1000万瓦发电机)
4/3/14 BlackLight has developed a system engineering design of an electric vehicle using a motive SF-CIHT electric generator having one million times the power density of an internal combustion engine and a range of 3000 miles/liter H2O.
4月3日 黑光能源公司系统开发了一套为汽车配套的移动SF-CIHT发电机,这台发电机的能量密度是普通内燃机发动机功率密度的100万倍,一升水可以跑3000公里的里程。
4/3/14 BlackLight has developed and successfully tested a prototype electric power system that intermittently produced millions of watts of power with sequential ignition of H2O-based solid fuel pellets. The conversion of optical power to electricity was achieved using commercial solar cells as demonstrated by powering a lighting array.
4月3日 黑光能源公司成功的开发了和测试了电站系统的原型机,该台原型机使用按顺序点燃的水基固体燃料球非连续的产生100万瓦的能量。通过使用展示的光束驱动商业太阳能电池来将光能转化为电能。
4/3/14 Press Release: BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) announces that it has produced a sequential stream of pulses of power comprising millions of watts of light, 50,000 times brighter than Sunlight and photovoltaic converted some of the optical output into electricity with its breakthrough Solid Fuel-Catalyst-Induced-Hydrino-Transition (SF-CIHT) technology.
4月3日 新闻发布:黑光能源公司(BLP)宣布他们通过使用突破性的固体燃料催化诱导分数氢转换技术可以按顺序的制造出100万瓦强度的光脉冲流,强度是太阳的5万倍,他们可以通过光伏设备部分的将光能转化为电能。
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