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2015-08-11 21:08:41   来源:scitation.aip.org   评论:0 点击:

一提到激光核聚变,我们首先就会联想到美国的国家点火装置 NIF (National Ignition Facility Project),这个建造和运行花费了35亿美元项目目前仅仅获得了少量的能量盈余。瑞典哥德堡大学的Leif Holmlid博士使用小型设备也实现了核聚变能量盈余。

   本文是瑞典哥德堡大学Leif Holmlid博士发表在美国作者付费期刊AIP Advances的一篇文章。文章的英文名称为:Heat generation above break-even from laser-induced fusion in ultra-dense deuterium ,翻译成中文为:在高密度氘中采用激光诱导核聚变产生大于输出输入能量平衡的热量。
    The laser-induced nuclear fusion process in ultra-dense deuterium D(0) gives a heating power at least a factor of 2 larger than the laser power into the apparatus, thus clearly above break-even. This is found with 100-200 mJ laser pulse-energy into the apparatus. No heating is used in the system, to minimize problems with heat transfer and gas transport.

   This gives sub-optimal conditions, and the number of MeV particles (and thus their energy) created in the fusion process is a factor of 10 below previous more optimized conditions. Several factors lead to lower measured heat than the true value, and the results found are thus lower limits to the real performance. With the optimum source conditions used previously, a gain of 20 is likely also for longer periods.

    备注:AIP Advances 具备传统开放获取期刊的基本特点,走的是“金色道路”,就是作者付费,读者可以免费获取全文。AIP Advances的APC(Article Processing Charles)费用是1350美元。基于Creative Commons agreement(知识共享许可协议),作者保留版权。除此之外,它涉及研究领域广,涵盖所有应用物理研究领域,并且覆盖现有AIP期刊未涉及领域。它不像其他期刊对文章内容要求很严格。该期刊的同行评审过程只是评审文章是否是原创,内容不与已发表文章有较多重复即可。
    冷聚变世界点评:AIP Advances投稿的门槛虽然比较低,而且要交纳比较高的出版费用,但是里面不乏一些高质量的论文。随着冷核聚变的逐步发展,低能量核反应慢慢就会被传统科学界所接受,结合最近波音公司的聚变航空发动机专利,笔者认为激光激发核聚变会最终成为现实。



相关热词搜索:激光核聚变 瑞典 科学家

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