俄罗斯专利局公开PARKHOMOV 的专利申请
2015-09-03 22:11:35 来源:冷聚变世界翻译整理 评论:0 点击:
该专利是一个国际专利,国际申请号为:PCT/RU2014/000019,申请日为2014年1月16日, 公开日期为:2015年7月23日,公布号为: WO/2015/108434。
In a composite electrolytic cell having an aqueous electrolyte solution, an inner portion is made of a chemically stable electrically conductive material, and an outer portion is made of a heat-resistant dielectric material. When applying a voltage of over 300 volts and current greater than 1.0 amperes to an anode, a plasma discharge is produced, allowing for low-temperature cold nuclear transmutation nuclear reactions in a near-anode area of the electrolyte, leading to intensive energy release and to the evaporation of electrolyte water, wherein an electrolyte pillar is maintained at a constant level and the function of a cathode is carried out by the inner portion of the electrolytic cell.
A device is carried out in the form of an electrolytic vessel having a composite cylindrical housing which is provided with a lid, a level-meter and a dose-dispenser, and which is connected to an electric power supply, wherein an inner portion of the housing, which is made of a chemically-stable electrically-conductive material, carries out the function of a cathode, and an outer portion of the housing and the lid are made of a heat-resistant dielectric material having a thickness of more than 1cm, wherein an anode in the form of a rod having a diameter of 3-10mm and having a sharp end-fitting is installed in the lid, coaxially with the housing, and is submersed in the electrolyte to a depth equal to the diameter of the rod.
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