公司:俄罗斯冷核聚变公司New Inflow介绍
2016-02-22 22:10:49   来源:冷聚变世界   评论:0 点击:

冷核聚变的研发企业大部分都集中在西方发达国家,比欧洲,日本以及美国,中国和俄罗斯目前还少有企业涉及到该领域,冷聚变世界现为大家介绍俄罗斯冷核聚变技术企业New Inflow。

  根据New Inflow网站提供的信息,该公司成立于2009年,公司聚集了一批知名科学家,这些科学家来自于俄罗斯的大学和科学院。
  As of today, the following main results in the LENR area were achieved by the "New Inflow" company: LENR effects were confirmed in several lab experiments. This fact is consistently proved by conducted measurements using up to date diagnostic equipment; heat COP of devices created in "New Inflow" is 600% to 800%;results of chemical elements transformation are also obtained; devices created in the "New Inflow" may run on a wide range of materials, and are not limited to costly ones such as Pd and Ni.
  到目前为止,New Inflow公司在冷核聚变技术领域已经取得了以下主要成果:几个实验室的实验都证实了低能量核反应(LENR)效应,这些成果已经通过数据监测设备获得了证实。New Inflow公司的冷聚变装置COP达到了6~8,实验中获得了化学元素的转变,New Inflow公司的冷聚变装置可以使用更广泛的材料,这些材料并不局限于贵重的金属如:钯和镍。
  下面是New Inflow网站发布的实验成果信息:
  New Inflow公司网址:


相关热词搜索:New Inflow 俄罗斯,冷核聚变 LENR

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