2015-08-31 11:11:44 来源:冷聚变世界翻译整理 评论:0 点击:
国外无限能源杂志( infinite-energy)对布里渊能源公司CEO Robert Godes做了专访,Robert Godes介绍了布里渊能源公司的冷核聚变实验情况和产品规划。
布里渊能源公司CEO Robert Godes在ICCF19会议上
Where is Brillouin Energy Corporation now in their development? Godes describes that Brillouin has put together “a plan that will allow us to build ten more reactors to test cores that we are developing. We have many cores in CAD (com-puter-aided drafting) in our computer system. Within 18 to 24 months the current target product is a boiler capable of producing 104 kilowatts (kW) of thermal energy.”
Why would he do that? “That 104 kW will come out in the form of 400°C oil and we are doing that because it keeps the system at atmospheric pressure,” he explains. “This simplifies things because you don’t need a pressure vessel to produce it. The oil will flow through a Stirling engine that will produce around 20 kW of electricity. A portion of that electricity will be used to run the pumps in the drive system for the unit as well as to drive an absorption chiller. So the customer will wind up with about 10 kW of electricity and close to two tons of cooling.”
相关热词搜索:布里渊能源公司,Brillouin Energy
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