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2015-03-19 10:15:12   来源:冷聚变世界翻译整理   评论:0 点击:


I returned a few days ago from a very interesting trip to Ukraine, I visited the laboratories (private) of a group of scientists who have replicated the E-Cat Rossi based on indications and specific publicly released by the Russian scientist Parkhomov, which in turn has successfully replicated the system of Rossi.
Rampado says that he was specifically interested in the production of neutrons, since he was surprised that in the Lugano report no neutrons were detected even though transmutation of isotopes was found. He consulted about this matter with Italian physicist Fabio Cardone who has suggested that the explanation could lie with the “Theory of Space Time Warped”.
      Rampado(该实验室的科学家)说到,他对实验中产生的中子尤其感兴趣,并对瑞士卢加诺E-CAT的测试报告中发现元素嬗变而没有检测到中子感到非常奇怪。他就此问题咨询了意大利物理学家Fabio Cardone,Fabio Cardone对此解释为时空弯曲理论导致的。
Dr. Cardone says that neutrons must have been produced in the Lugano experiment, and the lack of detection lies in the improper use of the measurement software used by the testers, because these instruments were set up to measure neutrons produced in traditional nuclear reactions — i.e. where a continuous stream of neutrons is produced, instead of in a non-continuous or pulsed manner. Rampardo states that the Ukranian experimenters reported measuring neutrons, but that we are going to have to wait at least a year before seeing any scientific report from this group. Apparently they are involved in non-scientific (i.e. commercial) activity at the moment.
Andrea Rossi has reported, covered by Mats Lewan in his book An Impossible Invention, that in early experiments with Focardi, when they pushed the E-Cat very hard, that neutrons were detected using a 
(bubble detector), but none of the third party reports published so far, have any neutrons been detected.
      Mats Lewan 所著的《不可能的发明》An Impossible Inventsion一书中写到罗西曾经透漏在和Focardi教授早期的实验中,也就是在他们艰难研发E-CAT的时候,他们曾经使用中子剂量计(气泡检测器)检测到中子的存在,但直到最近都没有任何第三方报告宣布检测到。



下一篇:Parkhomov E-CAT复制实验最新进展 COP:3.2

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