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2017-11-18 11:56:33   来源:冷聚变世界   评论:0 点击:



MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / November 16, 2017 /
美国佛罗里达,迈阿密 2017年11月16日


From humble beginnings in 1991, the Leonardo Corporation has plowed time, energy and research funding into alternative energy production from non-conventional sources. Their brand eCat QX has been developed to redefine the way LENR, nickel-hydrogen reactions are used in industrial heat and energy plant design.

2017 see’s a breakthrough in their exclusive development of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) technology, also recognized as Cold Fusion. Founder and CEO, Andrea Rossi, is very much looking forward to revealing details of their most recent innovation in a LENR Demonstration, to be held on November 24, 2017 at 12pm Miami time.

Given the truly astonishing implications of the E-CAT technology systems, the demonstration will exclusively be offered to 70 attendees, including some Government officials.

They will be there to lay witness to the ways in which the commercialization of low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) or cold fusion, will have a profound effect on many sectors of the economy across many different industries. The demonstration is an opportunity for a select few to see, first hand, the use of a revolutionary new energy source – LENR – the success of which has not so far been proven irrefutably.

The use of eCat QX could consummately impact the production of electricity, both here in the USA and across the globe, and offer paradigm-shifting results, producing commercially useful amounts of heat.

Andrea Rossi, in his search for a Fusion based clean energy source, can also confirm that Sigma 5 has been reached in preparation for the eCat QX.

The Leonardo Corporation has been monumental in developing LENR technology that can turn fusion into a reality, to manufacture a truly renewable energy source that far outperforms all other current options.

The live demonstration will be held solely for attendees, with a streaming event on November 24, 2017 at 12pm. You can find out more about The Leonardo Corporation and their world-leading advances in the applications for LENR energy at www.ecat.com.


  从1991年卑微的起步,里昂那多公司已经投入了大量的时间,精力和研发资金用于可替换传统能源的研发。崭新的E-CAT QX已经进化到了可以重新定义冷聚变,那就是镍氢反应只能被用于工业热能和电厂(这里的意思是E-CAT QX已经不局限于这个应用了,他的应用范围会更加广阔)。

  2017年被看作是他们独家开发的低能量核反应(LENR)技术的一个突破,低能量核反应也被叫做冷聚变。列昂纳多公司的CEO, 安德列.罗西期望着公开他们最新低能量核反应展示细节,本次展示将在2017年11月24日迈阿密时间中午12点开始。

  鉴于E-CAT 技术系统令人吃惊的启示作用,本次展示只提供包括政府官员在内的70名参加者名额。


  E-CAT QX的应用会对美国及全球的电力生成产生切实的影响,并起到颠覆式的结果,产生达到商业化需求的热量。

  安德列.罗西确认,为准备本次E-CAT QX的公开展示,他在聚变能源研究中,使E-CAT QX达到了西格玛5。(根据笔者获得信息,西格玛5是指E-CAT 在稳定性,可靠性,以及可重复性都没有任何问题)


  实时展示将只提供给参加者,本次展示网上视频将于11月24日中午12点开始。你可以在www.ecat.com网站上 找到更多关于列昂纳多公司的以及他们世界领先的冷聚变技术应用。



相关热词搜索:罗西,冷聚变,2017公开展示,E-CAT QX

上一篇:罗西将于11月24日对E-CAT X 进行公开展示

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