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罗西的1兆瓦 E-CAT反应器 COP达到20~80
2015-04-23 18:29:13   来源:国外网站   评论:0 点击:


     罗西及其热力公司的1兆瓦冷核聚变装置到目前已经持续运行了一段时间,最近笔者通过国外网站 www.sifferkoll.se 得知1兆瓦反应器在部分支持状态下,COP达到了20~80. 这是一个非常振奋人心的数据,如果一切顺利的话,笔者估计一兆瓦反应器明年就可以证实商用。
First Hand Information from Visitors of the Industrial Heat E-Cat Customer!
Postat 2015/04/21
I know first hand from very reliable sources that themselves have visited the Rossi/Industrial Heat E-Cat customer that the plant works very well. This has been verified both by measurements made by the customer and by significantly reduced electricity bills. The plant seems to be able to produce heat from electricity with a COP in the range of 20-80 depending on the level of self-sustain-mode applied. I guess that is what Rossi is working on right now.
The implications of COP in this range is of course nothing less than … revolutionary … ”a tipping point” to quote Tom Darden
This is a good day!


相关热词搜索:核聚变 装置

上一篇:罗西: 1兆瓦反应堆的的主要问题已经解决

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