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2015-12-01 15:48:26 microlight
Dr. Mitchell Swartz:  \"Everyone wants a better source of energy which is clean, non-
radioactive, and plentiful to power homes and cars. If not for nanotechnology and the 
Nanor®-type LANR, the outlook would indeed appear darker because people also want less 
dependence on oil, even as alternatives like wind and solar, remain unreliable and 
relatively low efficiency.   

Nanortech, Inc. components have an incredible advantage over other products because of 
their energy gain and the fact that they are among  the most efficient cleanest energy 
production systems that exists.   The present NANOR®-type LANR devices and systems are 
solid-state, dry, and contain palladium nanoparticles embedded in zirconium oxide 
insulation, preloaded with deuterium, and fabricated to greatly enhance repeatability and 
deliver significant excess energy gain.  The NANOR®-type LANR device demonstrated at MIT 
ran at the MIT Energy Production and Energy Conversion lab between late January- May, 
2012 and generated excess energy, with 7 to 20+ times input instantaneous electrical 
power (energy gain). The new iterations perform even better.  And the carbon footprint is 

2012年,Nanortech, Inc.的反应器的COP达到了7~20,相信他们的第八代反应器的功率应该更大,COP
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2015-12-01 15:45:42 microlight
Nanortech, Inc. is at the cutting edge of advanced energy production components using 
preloaded nanostructured materials as base platforms for a new spectrum of efficient 
heaters, cleaner water, cheaper electricity, and specialized products for propulsion and 
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